Hey, I’m Gabby.

It’s awesome to meet you! I’m a course business consultant for online entrepreneurs. I combine psychology + digital marketing + learning design to help entrepreneurs create and sell transformational online courses that scale their businesses.

I’m a hardcore introvert with a (some would say) obsessive love for learning. My mission is to help end the era of crappy online courses that are filled with broken promises. With me at your side, we can create something that is truly transformational.



Digital Marketing



 My Story




In 2017 I graduated with my Masters in Psychology and left my PhD Clinical Psychology program. I was burnt out but my passion for helping people still lingered…I just knew that I didn’t want to have my impact limited to the therapy room.


I floundered a bit trying to figure out what I wanted to do with my life. I ended up taking the job I had before I went off to grad school and was essentially an admin. It wasn’t fulfilling but I couldn’t figure out what would be. I did figure out that I was really good at one thing: make sense of chaos. I discovered my knack for organizing information into simple ways that people could easily understand. I ended up designing a training program to onboard the new hires for our department.


It was during this year that I learned about online business. I had been in an employee mentality for so long that I didn’t think it was possible to make money without being employed by someone else. I hired my first business coach and…MISERABLY failed. I tried to start a business that someone else told me would be a good fit and it just didn’t work. I learned some hard lessons but they led me to…


I’ve discovered my strengths and identified the kind of business that is right for me. The only thing that was holding me back, to be honest, was ME. I’ve spent the past two years upskilling: learning more about training design, learning theories, and running an online business. Now, I want to share my experiences with you.